Backing up to the South Ridge is an extraordinary forest home imagined by renowned architect Dennis McGuire who used the forest and the massive grantite boulders to guide the design. There is a real respect for nature as the home is weaved between the trees and anchored amongst large granite boulders, preserving the natural habitat of the original site. There is a working tram that was used to bring the building materials to the house site which is connected to the carport; from here you can take the meandering path up from the carport/tram haus or you can drive on up to the top. Every element of the house is special, it is a maze of angular engineering, equipped with a boulder in the main living space, a cantilevered bridge, sauna room, hot tub, wine cellar and a small guest cottage with half bath. The forest has dictated the shape of the house and it is all about the experience of being up in the trees with expanisive glass and spectacular views from every room nestled on 5.09 acres of forested land.